











Gimli bursted into laughter: ’Ah ha! Now we look like some kinds of funny fools. Will this pointy-ear girl string us into a string and pull us to march? Ha! Just like a bunch of beggars run after the button of a dog! However, only if Legolas blinds his pretty eyes, I will say nothing! ’
‘Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ! I AM LITTLE ELFING!I am the kin of the elves here! ’Legolas shouted, full of anger.
‘Let us speak: Damn you little elf! What a piggy head you are! Go to see Sauron! ’Aragon giggled, ‘And we, the fellow ship should be treated equally. Come! Haldir! Blind our eyes! ’
‘If we fall or hurt our toe, just due to your mistake, you shall be buried with dead! ’Gimli threatened, with towel on his eyes.
‘Take it easy, master dwarf. ’ Haldir said, ‘Count me lose if you fall down. What’s more, the path here is smooth and straight. ’

然后就是第二发的 @Mio 






然后是第三发的 @泽拉少爷 

Gimli cachinnation: "ha! Now we look like a bunch of a clown. The pointed fairy wants to bind us to a string.Like a dog holding a team for the blind.Of course, as long as he also tied the Legolas forty-five degree angle looking at the sky bright blue eyes, I do not talk nonsense.""What?"!!! Legolas is a free elf! Here is my family! You heartless you nonsense you vexatious!" Legolas roars."There is a word, I do not know when to say no... Must say:" What do you think about in the little head?!Be careful, I'll marry you to Sauron!" Aragon said angrily, "brothers should be treated equally."Come on, Haldir! Cover our eyes!""If we hurt a toe, you dig a hole and buried yourself, or I'll break your head." Blindfolded, Kim threatened."Peace of mind, little man."." Haldir said, "when you fall, I lose. I want this flat and straight to the mountain"

之后就是第四发的 @仲夏之雪 



接下来是第五发的 @Rilelen 

Gimli laughed wantonly:"hiahiahiahiahiahiahia!We're like a bunch of idiots right now! The fairy wanted to tie us to a rope, like a dog holding a blind man. However, if you put the Legolas four or five degree angle looked up at the blue sky and bright eyes covered, I no longer keeps talking against." "What!!! Legolas is a free elf! This is my home! You heartless vexatious!!!" Legolas roared. "Be careful, I might force you marry Sauron!" Aragon angrily shouted, "we are Communist Successors, under the red flag.". Comrade treated should be the same, Haldir,Our eyes are up!" "If we broke a finger, you can dig a hole and buried himself, or I put your head down." "Blindfolded," Gimli threatened. "Calm, the impulse is Morgoth little friends ." Haldir said, "if you fall, I'll lose.". The road is so smooth that it goes straight through the mountains."

接下来是第六发的 @Elenar 


然后是第七发的 @工二一 

Gimli laughed out loud, "Lmao! We have lost our minds! This little elf wants to walk us on leashes, like walking dogs. But if you blindfold Leg-O-Lamb and have him look up the sky cos(pi/2), me Gimli won't be Grumpy anymore. "

"WTF??? Legolas is a free elf and this is MY home! You no-heart-no-lung bitch!"

Shut up! You think I can't have Sauron f*ck your ass?" A-la-corn screamed. "We are all Young Pioneers, we should respect each other, Haldeer. Blindfold me!"

"If we sprained a single toe, you should be shameful and bury your head in the sand, or I will chop it off for you."

So Haldir was like, "Calm down. Angry Mushrooms, my little friend. If you trip over, I will buy you dinner tonight. This is flatland here, until we  reach the hill. "

接下来是第八发的 @Nierninwa 


然后是第九发的 @浓墨清泉 

Gimli laughed, “We ARE mad, letting this elf walk us as dogs.  But if you blindfold Legolas as well,  I'll get rid of this anger.” “SHUUUT UP, Legolas is a sweet little elf, and this is MY field! YOU idiot! ” “No more argueing! Sauron is  planning a new attack just right now,”Aragorn scolded, “Aren't we a unity? Haldir, blindfold me first.” “ If we have anything not very well, you shall be guilty and soak your head into the sands, or I'll chop it myself.” Haldir seems never heard any of the words, “Be calm, my dear irritable friend. If you fall over, I'll pay you a meal. All roads plain to the hillside.”

然后是第十发的 @COLO踮脚望着西渡售票处 

“别吵了!就在此刻,索伦正在谋划着新一轮攻击呢,”阿拉贡斥责到, “我们究竟还是不是一伙儿的?哈尔迪尔,你先把我蒙上好了。”

接下来是第十一发的 @M16 


然后是 @青钰君 


最后一个是 @熊切黑(初三爆肝长弧) 

Gimli laughed wildly. "We're going mad if the elf takes us like taking dogs! But if Legolas knows nothing as well, well, I'd probably calm down a little. "
"Come on! Don't you see Legolas is soooo lovely?! And this place is mine, you fool."
"Alright, alright, guys. The Eye is probably planning for the war while we are arguing. " Aragorn snapped. "Are we friends or enemies?  Haldir, you may cover your eyes first."
“ It's all your fault if there's anything wrong. I'm gonna cut myself into pieces if you don't face the reality!"
It seemed that Haldir didn't listen to these at all. "Calm down my friends. I would offer you food if you fall over. And each path to the mountainside is wide and smooth.


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